The guys who followed the great teacher wrote things that are vital for knowing what it means to finish.
- Just to finish today (each day has enough trouble of its own) is what I am called to do. Often the third third of the day is the toughest–get smart and fight hard in that last part.
- It will be a fight. So quit fighting the lame fights and fight what they call the “good fight”. That one is the one for love, integrity, honor, defeating my besetting issue.
- Run my race. There is a course set out before me and I need to stay focused on this. Using my created strength, running with joy, knowing I am an athlete/runner.
- Keep my eyes fixed on unseen precious realities. Faith is not faith unless it is action and it is worthless unless it is faith in true and faithful people and realities. Note that faith has to be “kept”–guarded like crazy–because all in this world system is anti-faith.