Monthly Archives: January 2016

I am an athlete

We laugh about the idea of being athletic around the old Winchester, Kansas Hensleigh clan. With a few momentary exceptions, there were none of us eight kids of Paul and Aletha who showed any skill on the field or ran with any quickness on the track, or made even one basket in a game.

We played horns, read books, cooked up science experiments and did farm work.

But now at age 66, I feel most comfortable as an athlete. Usually I work out almost daily, I run some 20 -30 miles per week, and thrive when I am in shape. Beyond this I am able to avoid the old Wheeler/ Hensleigh bugaboo of depression when I am very active and eating well. ThisĀ  is huge–I have spent too many days since age 18 under the rug.

The “Younger Next Year” idea has lodged in me.

So I ran (or walked) this 50 mile race in Steamboat last year– the Run Rabbit Run .

Oaxaca travel

Running on the Oaxaca coast–I am also a traveler…

And I think I will return at age 66 and see if I can set a respectable mark–like under 14 hours- for that age group.