Author Archives: admin

long slow joy?

Run hard--and do not run your life by public opinion.

Run hard–long slow joy.

I have never seen the sunrise come fast–it always comes but it is slower than expected.

I have never seen truly wonderful things arrive fast–and I have seen quite a few come to me.

I have never seen a finish line come faster than I expect. I almost always finish–actually always. But the end comes slower than I want.

The process is long, slow is good (especially at the beginning), and there is a cascade of joy in this deal.

50 Miles: Its Not about Being an Athlete

I am an athlete.

rantoul stretch

A few days before the Run Rabbit Run 50 miler, I called my brother Dick in Albuquerque.

We laughed about how I have this personal affirmation that I mutter to myself as I run, “I am an athlete”. I mean we laughed and laughed—a sort of goofy holler that a few of us Hensleigh sibs got from PW Hensleigh.

Anyway it is funny because there is not a one of us Winchester Kansas Hensleighs that you ever think of as an athlete. Personally I never scored a basket even though I loved basketball and followed it avidly. I never made a tackle or caught a pass even though I was on the field a fair bit. I never scored  point at a track meet or even ran on a relay. We had a decent track team and an excellent coach but it did not effect my performance.

My other bros and sisters were about the same–known more for music and achievement tests than athletic ability or performance.

Regardless, for me to understand that I was created to move and perform as an athlete is not just true, it really helps when I face one of those 12 mile days with 95 degree weather. And it has helped me immensely to get a vision for my Best Third Third as a fit and active old guy.

You see to run that 50 miles, I had to have the qualities of an athlete–training, finishing, using my strengths, joy.

I thank Bishop Gwin at Love Corner for pointing out from the Bible that we are athletes, and for the Younger Next Year guys for writing a simple inspirational guide that I use every day.

I am an athlete

We laugh about the idea of being athletic around the old Winchester, Kansas Hensleigh clan. With a few momentary exceptions, there were none of us eight kids of Paul and Aletha who showed any skill on the field or ran with any quickness on the track, or made even one basket in a game.

We played horns, read books, cooked up science experiments and did farm work.

But now at age 66, I feel most comfortable as an athlete. Usually I work out almost daily, I run some 20 -30 miles per week, and thrive when I am in shape. Beyond this I am able to avoid the old Wheeler/ Hensleigh bugaboo of depression when I am very active and eating well. This  is huge–I have spent too many days since age 18 under the rug.

The “Younger Next Year” idea has lodged in me.

So I ran (or walked) this 50 mile race in Steamboat last year– the Run Rabbit Run .

Oaxaca travel

Running on the Oaxaca coast–I am also a traveler…

And I think I will return at age 66 and see if I can set a respectable mark–like under 14 hours- for that age group.

No Fear in the Process

I saw this phrase the other day and it made so much sense. With running and with so many important initiatives in life I can let the fear of the day by day get to me and paralyze me. Actually the fear should be in whether or not I make the goal –if there is to be any fear at all.

Actually doing the day by day stuff is how we get to a goal–so if the little senseless fears of the daily process get to me– I am dead in the water due to lack of training and progress.

I have realized more and more that I have a fear approach with several areas–including money. This is irrational and a blocker.

Finish–One Day at a Time

The guys who followed the great teacher wrote things that are vital for knowing what it means to finish.

  •  Just to finish today (each day has enough trouble of its own) is what I am called to do. Often the third third of the day is the toughest–get smart and fight hard in that last part.
  • It will be a fight. So quit fighting the lame fights and fight what they call the “good fight”. That one is the one for love, integrity, honor, defeating my besetting issue.
  • Run my race. There is a course set out before me and I need to stay focused on this. Using my created strength, running with joy, knowing I am an athlete/runner.
  • Keep my eyes fixed on unseen precious realities. Faith is not faith unless it is action and it is worthless unless it is faith in true and faithful people and realities. Note that faith has to be “kept”–guarded like crazy–because all in this world system is anti-faith.
Chariots of Fire

Eric Liddell won Olympic gold in the 400. And he lived a Christ-follower life. He died a finisher–serving the smartest teacher ever.

Running in Palenque

I was in Chiapas Mexico last week and traveled around the areas along the Guatemala border. I was the guest of ATMEX and was checking out  new route for Authentic Mexico Travel for the enchanting state of Mexico.

Highlights were:

  • I am rebranding with the truth–SAFE
  • I was confirmed if we are going to continue to give curious gringos excellent trips there we will need to design the trips and look for the limited number of Mexico providers who will offer a US traveler friendly experience
  • I realized that I am part of the problem with workers being paid very low wages at hotels in Mexico and put together a plan for us to change that
  • Most refereshingly I ran and ran and ran along the road fro the town of Palenque to the ruins. This is a decent trail and even though it is hot this time of year, early mornings or late afternoons when the rain comes make for a good run.
  • Palenque Mexico

    I saw red macaws along the road near Palenque as I ran last week.

I am a traveler

Oaxaca travel

I walked the lonely beach at San Agustanillo, Oaxaca last week–I am a traveler.

Recently there has been a move by niece Michelle to republish the Hensleigh family cookbook–wonderful.

She asked each of us remaining Hensleigh sibs to write a memory of our parents and the farm in Winchester, Kansas. There are of course many–some of them very positive and some to be forgotten.

One of the most vivid and life changing for me relates to how my folks recognized that I loved travel. Of course they did and so perhaps it was just encouraging me and all of us in a direction that they loved and knew was valuable.

But especially my mother recognized on early Colorado trips that I thrived on it. So they pushed me out the door on numerous occasions to go somewhere away and stay as long as I could.

The best trip was when I was twelve and they spontaneously sent me with cousin Doug to California in an old station wagon–a trip that ended up lasting a month or so. This one included the ocean for the first time, the California coast, the Pacific Northwest and then back across Washington, Oregon, Idaho etc back to Winchester.

Now I have this Mexico tour business, taking small groups of curious travelers to the less traveled places of Mexico. Trips like the small group trip to Oaxaca last week are just what I was designed for–and my folks saw it way back then.


Chicken Soup for the Running Soul

This cold morning I am starting some chicken soup and I am reflecting on what I learned, recalled and added to my cooking head during this 50 mile ultra journey:

  • From “Eat & Run” by Scott Jurek it was turmeric and pineapple
  • From my good “Need Less Give More” wife it was ginger
  • From Davis Grotto’s “101 Foods That Could Save Your Life” it was quinoa
  • From my running doctor friend Austin Johnson it was homemade almond milk
  • From my little herb garden covered with snow this morning it is sage, thyme, basil, rosemary and whatever else will thrive and survive the rabbits and squirrels!

So here we go with chicken soup: 4 thighs in an iron pan, boil with sage, thyme, rosemary, onion, garlic salt pepper for awhile, add celery, carrots, and whatever else you want. Go for it!

Chicken soup recipe

I learned some good cooking tips getting ready for this 50 miler–and I am using some of them on this chicken soup today.